Health Programs & COVID-19 Information

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Get VACCINATED!
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, including against the new variants. Scientists used decades of research for other vaccines to develop COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines went through large clinical studies that showed they protect people from severe COVID-19 illness, hospitalization and death, and have been given safely to millions of people in the U.S.
COVID-19 vaccines are free. Insurance, social security number or sharing immigration status is not required.
Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna
You are eligible for a booster if you are:
- 65 years or older
- Age 18+ who live in long-term care settings
- Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions
- Age 18+ who work or live in high-risk settings
At least 6 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series
Which booster should you get?
Any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States
Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen,
You are eligible for a booster if you are:
18 years or older
When to get a booster:
At least 2 months after your shot
Which booster should you get?
Any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States
You may experience some side effects. Common side effects include arm soreness, headache, body aches, tiredness and fever. Serious side effects are very rare. The vaccines do not contain the virus that causes COVID-19, change your DNA or give you COVID-19.
You can ease precautions after being fully vaccinated. Once fully vaccinated, you can do several activities without a face mask. However, it is recommended you keep your mask on in all public indoor settings to protect others, including young children and people who are immunocompromised. Also, you must follow the mask requirements of any place you go, such as a business, school or workplace, or while using public transportation. If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are symptomatic, get tested. People who are not fully vaccinated must continue to wear a face mask and maintain physical distance whenever in public. They may also be asked to provide proof of a negative test to enter some settings or not be allowed altogether in others.
Find a site to get vaccinated. To find a site to get vaccinated, visit, or call 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692). No appointment is needed at many sites. For free in-home vaccination, visit or call 877-829-4692.